Children with mental or physical disabilities often find it difficult to express themselves verbally. In the world of art, however, they can find other ways to communicate. Therapy can be a happy, active and creative experience.
Our professional specialists use music, art, theater and dance to help children that have difficulty expressing themselves through language. Through this medium, children learn how to express their emotions, develop problem-solving skills, and become better able to interact with their peers and others around them.
We primarily offer therapy subsidies for special needs children from disadvantaged homes. This form of specialized therapy requires mid- to long-term consideration. The program enables the children to develop at a rate comparable to their age group, while the subsidies help to lessen the burden on their families.
We are currently partnered with Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Taipei, Linkou and Taoyuan), Chinese Medical University Children's Hospital, Song De Psychiatry Clinic, Chen Chain Theatre, and four elementary and junior high schools in Hualien.

Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital: (02) 2713-5211 ext. 3086
Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital: (03) 328-1200 ext. 8149
Taoyuan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital: (03) 319-6200 ext. 2374
Song De Psychiatry Clinic: (02) 8789-4477
Chen Chain Theatre: (02) 3365-2877
The “Big Hand Holding Small Hand: Hope Marches Forward” Plan
A monthly donation of NT$ 500 will allow a special-needs child to take part in an expressive arts therapy program that will help them overcome obstacles and set them on the path to pursuing their dreams.
1. Subsidies are available to children:
-- under the age of 16;
-- from mid- to low-income families;
-- that suffer from developmental delays, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, intellectual disabilities, mood disorders, or multiple disabilities.
2. Three types of classes are available: individual, group and cooperative. Children will be evaluated and assigned to a class.
3. The program is for six months. A therapist will evaluate each child at the end of the six months to determine whether therapy should continue.

Mother of Chen-chen
Through art therapy, Chen-chen learned that there are ways to deal with obstacles besides running away or lashing out. He learned that he could ask for help. He also learned that he could express happiness by sharing his happiness with others rather than screaming or running around wildly.
Over the past five years, Chen-chen's teachers patiently taught him appropriate ways to express himself. I also grew and learned a lot myself. I learned to be more tolerant toward his challenges, and became more determined to teach him without neglecting his feelings.
As parents, we are sometimes so eager to see immediate results that we neglect our children's emotional and spiritual needs. When our children have difficulty expressing themselves, their needs sometimes cease to exist.
Yes, Chen-chen learned to better express himself in these five years. However, I also became more willing to listen to him. We have both grown in these five years.
Mother of Xiao-jun
Xiao-jun was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in preschool. I'd never heard of the disorder. I cried, got angry, and felt helpless. Today, I accept that he is different. Not only has his condition improved through the program, but I also learned a lot through the process. The program teaches us parents how to coexist with our special-needs children.
I learned different ways to interact with my child from the art, drama and dance therapists. The therapists are a godsend. When we encounter bottlenecks as parents, they are a source of support and guidance. We learn to see how each child is unique and to respect their needs.
Apart from the added emotional support we get from professional expertise, EQ becomes even more important. We face a long and arduous road ahead if we rely only on ourselves. Parents don't instinctively know how to deal with special-needs children. If we can't open our doors as wide as possible, our children will never get the help they need.
It's hard being a mom. Our expectations for our children change daily, and they test our emotional limits. However, what doesn't break us truly makes us stronger.